This M.A. degree option accommodates a wide variety of interests, ranging from formal and historical linguistics, to philology and medieval studies (Medieval Studies Institute), to modern literature and culture. It prepares students for advanced study in one of our Ph.D. programs, but also serves as a self-contained, two-year M.A. program for students pursuing other academic or career goals, including secondary or community college training.
Germanic Studies M.A.
Admission requirements
- 25 credit hours of coursework in German language and/or literature beyond first-year German, or the equivalent.
- A Bachelor degree in a relevant field.
- Students who are interested in continuing to the Ph.D. after the M.A. should apply directly to the Ph.D. program rather than to the M.A. (Such students will earn an M.A. after two years in the program and will be able to continue to the Ph.D. without reapplying.)