Conversation Tables

Conversation tables

Meet for coffee and conversation in German (Kaffeestunde), Dutch (Koffietijd), or Norwegian (Norsk Kaffepause). These casual gatherings take place during the Fall and Spring semesters, except during the first and last weeks of classes.


We sponsor a weekly Kaffeestunde as a setting for informal conversation in German, to encourage academic community and supplement work in the classroom. Students at all levels, faculty, and associate instructors, are invited to attend. Kaffeestunde currently takes place on Wednesdays, from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the Germanic Studies common area in GISB 3115W.


Students of Dutch also meet regularly for conversation. Times for this semester: 

3/10 from 3:00 until 4:00 pm

4/14 from 3:00 until 4:00 pm

Norsk Kaffepause

The Pan-Scandinavian conversation hour is held every Friday 2-3pm in the German department common area. This gathering is a great social opportunity for anyone who speaks a Scandinavian language (Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or Icelandic) to come together, establish connections and friendships, exchange ideas and information, practice speaking and understanding the language, and advance their oral proficiency.

For most current information and to subscribe to the Scandinavian Events list serve, please email Gergana May.