Interested in pursuing a master’s degree in Germanic Studies? The 4+1 College Pathway to the Master of Arts in Modern German Culture allows qualified students to begin graduate studies in Modern German Culture while pursuing an undergraduate degree at Indiana University Bloomington. With appropriate planning, you can graduate with both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in about five years. Students admitted to the Pathway will be able to take advantage of a simplified admissions process to The University Graduate School as well as other benefits.
The Pathway prepares you for careers in either the private or public sector. Advanced competence in the language, history, and culture of German-speaking Europe makes students highly competitive for employment in the global economy, green technology, teaching, and the military or foreign service. Alone or combined with College programs such as European Studies, Liberal Arts and Management, Political and Civic Engagement, or coursework in the Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies, you will be positioned for jobs in U.S.-based multinational corporations as well as industries, banks, and research and cultural centers in German-speaking Europe. It is also ideal preparation for advanced degrees in international law or schools of public policy and business.