Ph.D. Minors

Ph.D. Minors

Students pursuing a graduate degree in another department with a Ph.D. minor in Germanic Studies should refer to the requirements in the University Graduate School Academic Bulletin. Your Bulletin year corresponds to the year you were admitted to your degree program. Courses to satisfy the minor should be chosen in consultation with the director of graduate studies in the relevant program.

Visit the Graduate Bulletin website to find all Indiana University Bloomington Bulletins.

Ph.D. minors information

Doctoral students from other departments desiring to minor in Germanic studies will choose one of the following:

  • German: 12 credit hours, including at least two courses numbered 500 or higher.
  • Netherlandic: GER-N402, GER-N403, GER-N404, and GER-N508 or GER-N509.
  • Norwegian: GER-K502, K503, K504, and three additional literature or culture courses, chosen from GER-K506, GER-K507 (both may be repeated), CEUS-R509, GER-G 815, and GER-G605 (with Modern Scandinavian topics).
  • Yiddish: Requirements include 12 credits, consisting of GER Y502, GER Y503, GER Y504, 3 remaining credits to be chosen from GER Y505, GER Y506, GER Y815, and other courses focusing on non-language Yiddish Topics.

Ph.D. Minor in German Studies requirements

The Ph.D. minor in German studies is available to doctoral students in all departments except Germanic Studies; 15 credit hours of course work are required. Consult the director of graduate studies in Germanic Studies for information regarding courses acceptable for the minor.

Outside Minors for the Ph.D.

All Ph.D. program options in Germanic Studies require the completion of an outside minor. The outside minor is selected in consultation with the graduate director or a faculty adviser. Requirements for the outside minor are set by the outside minor department or program (i.e., not by Germanic Studies).

Please note: Dutch and Yiddish may be selected by Ph.D. students in Germanic Studies as an outside minor.

Detailed information about minors offered by other departments and programs can be found in the bulletin of the University Graduate School.

Detailed below are sample minor programs:

  • Dutch: 12 credits, consisting of GER-N402, GER-N403, GER-N404, and GER-N508 or GER-N509.
  • Yiddish: 12 credits, consisting of Y502, Y503, Y504, and Y505, Y506, or Y815.
  • Comparative Literature: 4 courses in Comparative Literature, including C501; fluent reading knowledge of at least one foreign language.
  • Cultural Studies: 16 hours in courses approved for the Cultural Studies Program, including C601 and either C701 or C790. The other course must be approved by the program director. Satisfactory performance on the qualifying examinations in the student's major department is also required.
  • English and Germanic Philology: 4 courses, to include English G601 (Introduction to Old English) and at least 1 of the other older Germanic languages, i.e., German G632, G635, G638, G639, and G640. The remaining courses may be chosen from English G602 (Middle English), G655 (History of the English Language), L710 (Beowulf), L711 (Old English Literature), German G532, G625 with appropriate topic, and any of the remaining older Germanic languages listed.
    • The Area Certificate in English and Germanic Philology is also offered; it requires 4 courses in addition to the 4 required for the minor. These may include any of the courses listed above, as well as courses in other department that are relevant to the history and prehistory of the Germanic languages, and to early Germanic literature and culture.
  • Media School: As of 2015, doctoral students from other schools or departments may choose media as an outside minor. A minimum of 12 credits in the school at the 500-level or above is required, including one of the core courses exclusive of the pedagogy course.
  • Linguistics: 12 hours in linguistics or related courses, with a grade point average of 3.0 (B) or better. The specific program for satisfying this requirement should be developed in consultation with the linguistics outside minor advisor.
  • Global Studies: Completion of INTL-1701: Interdisciplinary Seminar in Issues and Approaches to Global Studies, in addition to four courses (12 credits) selected in consultation with and approved by the Director of the Ph.D. Minor.