We caught up with Astrid Klocke, (Ph.D.,’00) at the recent American Literary Translators’ Association Conference, held in Bloomington this year. Astrid is Associate Professor of German at Northern Arizona and was a presenter at the ALTA conference. She is finishing up a translation, the first English translation, of Edgar Hilsenrath’s Fuck America: Bronskys Geständnis, the semi-autobiographical account of the author’s exile in New York City in the 1950’s. The book is scheduled for publication in November by Owl of Minerva Press. At ALTA, Astrid, along with Jason BeDuhn, Professor of the Comparative Study of Religions at Northern Arizona, spoke about their 10-year collaborative translation and editing project of Nietzsche’s Will to Power, a reconstruction of his draft manuscript from the unpublished notebooks. The third collaborator, Paul Donnelly, Professor of the Comparative Study of Religions at Northern Arizona University, was not able to attend.
Alumni News: Astrid Klocke, (Ph.D.,’00)
Wednesday, August 1, 2018