The book has been published as Goethe: Journeys of the Mind by Haus Publishing of London and the University of Chicago Press. A review in the July 19, 2019 Times Literary Supplement (no. 6068, p. 27) noted that “...the chapters on Brazil and on the travels in the United States of Duke Carl August’s second son, Prince Bernhard, in 1825 and 1826, deepen our understanding of contemporary material that Goethe is known to have read and of correspondence and meetings with individuals who journeyed to Weimar to discuss their work with him.”

Stefon Flego

(current graduate student)

  • Flego, S. (2019). Internally-headed relative clauses in Hakha Chin. Indiana Working Papers in South Asian Languages and Cultures, 1(1). DOI: 10.14434/iwpsalc2019.v1i1.27450
  • Flego, S. (2018). Estimating vocal tract length by minimizing non-uniformity of cross-sectional area. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 176ASA, 35(1), 060003. DOI: 10.1121/2.0001000
  • Flego, S., & Forrest, J. (2019, October). Spectral change applied to anticipatory coarticulation. Poster presented at the 24th Annual Mid-Continental Phonetics and Phonology Conference, Milwaukee, WI. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35508.81286
  • Flego, S. (2018, November). Towards higher precision in vocal tract length estimation. Poster presented at the 176th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Victoria, BC. (Published in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 144(3), 1904-1904.) DOI: 10.1121/1.5068346

“Jews on the defensive”, in Norbert Frei (ed.),  Wie bürgerlich war der Nationalsozialismus (Wallstein Verlag, 2018), 53-62

„Foreword“ to „ Eva Noack Mosse, Last Days of Theresienstadt (George L. Mosse Series in Modern European Cultural and Intellectual History) by Eva Noack-Mosse (Author), Skye Doney (Translator), Biruté Ciplijauskaité (Translator), (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2018),
pp. ix-xv.

Other writing:
“Mind the gap. What Nazis and their opponents said – and why,” review (2951 words) of Johann Chapotout, The Law of Blood. Thinking and Acting as  Nazi; Brunhilde Pomsel &  Thore D. Hansen, The Work I Did. A Memoir of the Secretary to Goebbels; Robert Scott Kellner (ed.), My Opposition. The Diary of Friedrich Kellner – A German against the Third Reich, for the  Times Literary Supplement (July 27, 2018), No. 6017: 24-5

Finding inspiration in an anti-Nazi resistance group,” LA Times digital and print editions, on Sunday, September 15 2019.