Message from the Editor: Grüße aus Bloomington!
Another year and then some has passed, fall is turning to winter, and we are looking back on a year full of passages. Since our last news from Germanic Studies, quite a lot has transpired.
It is a pleasure to write this Letter from the Chair, but at the same time it’s not easy for me to think my way into our storied department, with its scores of excellent PhDs leaving their marks in professions here and abroad; with its animated undergraduates who enliven our practice and have gone on to careers and communities in countless areas and who still from time to time drop in on us, remember us with cards, beloved books, or the generous gifts that make many of our scholarships and programs possible; and, of course, with my fellow faculty members whose passion for research and teaching—and infectious joy in the intellect—inspires us in our classrooms, our reading, and our reflections.
Another year and then some has passed, fall is turning to winter, and we are looking back on a year full of passages. Since our last news from Germanic Studies, quite a lot has transpired.
Jeff Grove, IU graduate 1978, sent in his greeting along with several marvelous photos from the summer program in Berlin. (photos)
Updates from our students.
A listing of publications from alumni, faculty, and students.
Remembrances from the Department of Germanic Studies.
Bill Elliot from the Indiana University Alumni Association sends us this invitation to keep in touch via the IUAA Class Notes: Tell us about all the achievements and milestones in your life. We want to know when you get married. When a future Indiana University alum joins your family. When you win an award, publish a book, or get a great new job. If it’s good news for you, it’s good news to us.
This newsletter is published by the Department of Germanic Studies, with support from the College of Arts and Sciences, to encourage alumni interest in and support for Indiana University.
For alumni activities and membership information, visit alumni.iu.edu.