Message from the Editor: Grüße aus Bloomington!
We are coming to you this year in our usual way but in a very unusual year. Like the rest of the world, we are doing the best we can under the strange new circumstances of COVID-19.
Covid snuck up on us early this calendar year and after the initial disorientation and a fast pivot to online, we spent a remarkable and unsettling spring glued to our screens, whether teaching or—in our "free" time—scrolling through new kinds of numbers (positivity, incidence, prevalence), trying to divine some more general meaning for what was happening. As I write this, I'm trying to remember and differentiate the welter of things that underwent a sea-change during the pandemic summer.
We are coming to you this year in our usual way but in a very unusual year. Like the rest of the world, we are doing the best we can under the strange new circumstances of COVID-19.
Updates from our students.
Remembrances from the Department of Germanic Studies.
Bill Elliot from the Indiana University Alumni Association sends us this invitation to keep in touch via the IUAA Class Notes: Tell us about all the achievements and milestones in your life. We want to know when you get married. When a future Indiana University alum joins your family. When you win an award, publish a book, or get a great new job. If it’s good news for you, it’s good news to us.
This newsletter is published by the Department of Germanic Studies, with support from the College of Arts and Sciences, to encourage alumni interest in and support for Indiana University.
For alumni activities and membership information, visit alumni.iu.edu.