We begin with Prof. Michel Chaoli, who's taken advantage of the Covid-induced down time: What a gift it was to be released from busyness and have time again to read! Three books had the urgency that I wanted to recommend them to everyone I met. Gregor von Rezzori's novel Memoiren eines Antisemiten gives astonishing insight into the manners and mores of the Großbürgertum and of those who aspire to belong to this class. Der Finger im Buch is a beautiful study by the librarian Ulrich Johannes Schneider of some thirty paintings showing people holding a book, a finger holding their place. And just now, I am deep into Elias Canetti's Die Fackel im Ohr, his memoirs of the 1920s, mainly in Vienna. If you haven't read them, drop everything else. Thank you, Corona!